I'm not surprised Patrick Swayze chose a catcher, but Iowa?
Late +1 Fantastic!
Lisfranc and a shattered heal are the two foot injuries you never fully recover from. Unfortunately, I was blessed with a severe Lisfranc and I am painfully reminded of it every morning.
Makes perfect sense with Karl Welzein losing his job and everything, you guys.
That's so good +1
Cilantro is Jesus jizz. I love it.
Play intramural sports and bang every chick you can. Always wear a rubber. Always.
I'll never get tired of this song.
http://youtu.be/ redacted
Love this.
That's just freaky. I was listening to this song today.
Ha! +1
Perfect +1
Yeah, I tried to watch it on Google Street View and got the same thing.
Somebody needs to notify The Sea Shepherds. I think I'm going to be sick.