
How convenient that right after Twitter backtracked their efforts to remove Elonjets’ visibility, there was a “stalker” after him. What are the odds, despite all the information Musk provided-that-totally-isn’t-doxxing, no one ever finds this person because Musk paid for it to happen?

Hands are hard to draw, but you will never come across a character artist who has the level of proportion and rendering seen in that Harley/Joker image who makes that bad of nightmare hands.

Its not really because it learned the bad hands from artists, but rather that fingers are very small compared to the rest of the image and also when the images get downsized for the AI training (64x64-512x512) the fingers will be like 1 pixel wide. Artists arent to blame here.

Every time I look at that hand I see something new that’s somehow more horrifying than the last.  

Being booed by a group of people who still think Dave Chappelle is worth their money is quite an accomplishment.

This made me smile. 

HAHAHAHAHA. What in fuck did he think was going to happen. Musk is nowhere near as popular IRL as he thinks he is online. Admittedly thats because the army of Musk stan bots don't exist IRL but you'd have thought he'd have worked that out by now.

Oh, that’s an autocorrect typo and should have been “softer features”

Ho boy, as someone who did classical history as their minor. YEP

Cronos ate the whole damn scale, and threw it up along with his kids. It all went sideways from there.

Really when your story is about the Greece of antiquity and/or the myths therefrom if everybody doesn’t land in the mid-range of the Kinsey scale, something has gone wrong.

Ok, now THAT is a genuinely helpful pre-release review. Here’s hoping I react the same way.

The conspiracy theories coming out to support Musk in relation to this are wild.

Andor is a perfect Star Wars show for people who aren’t fans of Star Wars. It’s more akin to a spy thriller than a sci-fi fantasy.

If you make a phone call on an airplane surrounded by strangers, you’re a bad person. 

I unabashedly used to love this show.

You mention all these shows and just happen to forget Deep Space Nine? C’mon man! :)

Killjoys was phenomenal. I was engrossed from beginning to end.

Not only is it a genre show fully within this site purview, but Syfy has a long history of small, low-budget shows that turn out solidly entertaining and really deserve bigger profile, like Warehouse 13, Killjoys, Dark Matter, etc.