
or you could argue that piracy INCREASED their sales since the pirated version served effectively as a demo.

Some people just have too much goddamn money.

The cat seems to do the trick. And as a bonus, you have a cat!

Concerning water in the ear. Mix up a solution of half rubbing alcohol and half white vinegar. Place in a dropper container. Add a couple of drops if water doesn’t come out. The alcohol binds to the water and pulls it off the inner ear surface, thins it out, and it will run out easily. The addition of vinegar provides

I agree that Jodi would have been better received with better writing. After seeing the first couple episodes, I said they should have just written the stories exactly the same as the male doctors, then just swap the actor.

I think it will be hilarious if 13 regenerates while wearing a red wig and his first words are “FINALLY I’M A GINGER!” [wig falls off] “...Oh”

I mean, the “solution” is to not have the lowest vaccination of any developed nation besides Russia and maintaining protocols until cases are next to non-existent instead of the rollercoaster of giving up the fight right as we’re turning the corner like firefighters that start packing up when they’ve got the open

Jack Dorsey will make $974 million dollars on this deal. Of course he’s gonna talk about this being a great idea.

There is no excuse for letting beers sit in your fridge until they get skunked, come on

Diets don’t work for weight loss. Lifestyle change works. You can lose weight following almost any specific diet for a length of time. Then you will gain it back. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is either to consume fewer calories or burn more and to maintain that change over a long period of time.

From what I understand (and I’m open to being corrected if I’m wrong) most social media platforms earn their money by selling data about their users to whomever wants to buy it. Trending topics, posting habits, geotags - that’s all valuable information to companies wanting more information about their consumers. WE’RE

A fine illustration of what a real Capitalist is that masquerades as a do-gooder trying to “help the people”.

You should check out Jack in the Box’s secret sauce now that it’s in a shelf-stable packet (for years when you’d ask for it, they’d get a packet from a refrigerator), it’s surprisingly good and has a lot of personality, it’s hard to describe but it’s a little chunky from the dehydrated onions, and it has mayo,

Fucking hypocrites. Like any fake libertarian (almost all of them), when they say ‘free’ they mean ‘free for me, not for you’. These fragile snowflakes would be the first to scream bloody murder if Twitter actually allowed completely unfiltered free speech against them. They just (correctly) think Musk would tilt it

I mean, don’t put your tutorial in a pit next time?

Or, if you want to embrace the Souls humor, put an item on the edge of the pit and when people pick it up have the ground crumble away and knock them down into the tutorial pit. That way on ng+ you’ll know about it and can just ignore the item and walk outside if

There are two types of people in the world: Those who think something vaguely maple flavored and loaded with high fructose corn syrup counts as “maple syrup” and those who know the difference between golden and very dark varieties.

If cleaning pet food bowls is extra work to you, its probably time to reconsider your choice in having a pet

The movie was quite forgettable, so I guess that helped a bit.

As a teacher there are two things you can do to help you children.

it doesn’t seem availble anymore, but the “octodog” made hotdogs safer and fun.