
From Wikipedia:

The reason why some gun owners believe that any kind of gun control is going to result in them having their guns taken away is because they are the gun owners who behave like this and they absolutely should have their guns taken from them as this is disgustingly irresponsible.

Yes. Several of them.

I felt fine before.  People can follow whatever arbitrary rules they want until they conflict with my arbitrary rules.  

He’s desperately looking to create any scapegoat he can for his failures while trying to give the impression that he is in control of everything. He's doing the same shit with the governors. If a particular state has a bad time with COVID 19 he'll blame the state governance. If it goes well he'll take credit for it.

I am so bummed that Afterlife got delayed into 2021, also this art is freaking awesome.

Dust control, mitigation, and management are supposed to be part of the implosion process.  They normally spray the whole site with water, during the demolition, to keep the dust down. I haven’t seen a video of the demolition so don’t know if they did that.

River probably mailed him a universal adapter.

Let them register their ships stateside and pay taxes and then we’ll look into giving them assistance in a year or two.

We live on LI and haven’t been able to find TP in stores for the past 3 weekends. Will this 4th be the charm? If I leave the house, we’ll see! We always keep an extra pack or two on hand, so we have another 4 rolls or so left, but yeah, I feel a pang of anxiousness when I see our dwindling supplies. It’s not the end

If you’re hanging clothes in your apartment, use hangers to maximize space. Also, if you have a room that gets a lot of sun use that room for drying.

I like Kotaku but these are the sort of cringe articles that turn the website into a laughing stock for most of the internet. I support everything you’ve said but Animal Crossing isn’t the soap box you should be standing on to say it.

Uhh. Close them when you’re done reading. It’s the internet. It’s not likely going anywhere. You can always search/find them later if you need to.

that cat flip is awesome

Any structure straddled by an executive one is inherently headed towards evil. Executives have no connection to labor or customers, and so make decisions completely divorced from reality ‘on the ground’ as it were. Their only metric or incentive or motivation is profit, specifically short-term profit, because that’s

Low pay is one thing, but keeping the money the customer ostensibly gave as a “tip” is deceptive beyond any reasonable employment ethics. And they managed to keep it hidden for years, with those customers believing they were helping the driver.

So do any of these services measure up, or is all food delivery inherently evil?

So DoorDash screws over workers who are free to quit, right?  I mean, they aren’t enslaved.  They offered lousy pay for a shit job and people said “I will do that.”  That isn’t evil, that’s just work.  If the pay is too low, people should quit or form a union.  This isn’t rocket science.

Tough talk; if your teenage daughter is pregnant and scared to tell you she wants an abortion, you have already failed as a parent and your opinion SHOULD be irrelevant.