They are run by as a company they are about as reliable and secure as a three dollar bill.
They are run by as a company they are about as reliable and secure as a three dollar bill.
Mindgeek is a blight on the adult entertainment industry.
Wouldn’t help HS Teachers anyway, they would have to digitize or redigitize students work first which would be a hassle.
The average human is about 500GB of information stored in well a messy database. Only about 5GB might be considered daily useful information, and maybe another 10GB rote factual information. The rest is images, textures, and 3D enviromental models existing in the subconscious.
The most boring solution is invariably the correct one.
Sounds a lot like thalidomide.
Knock out the food items from over a hundred years ago that are just hanging on culturally. All of those exist simply because they were cheap easy calories to keep people from starving, or in the case of fermented items primitive food preservation.
A good fake will never be detected.
It’s not really that we can’t understand the logic driving these systems, it is that the logic isn’t labled in any meaningful way.
A lot of people put him up on a pedestal because of his skill at a sport. Didn’t ever mean however that he was a terrific person.
Yeah they should have recast.
Avoiding any food product that enjoys over abundance mass marketing is generally a good choice.
Yep those off season products drop shipped from the other side of the planet where they are in season are a terrible idea in so many ways.
One of my favorite things to do in games that let me do it, is simply cooking.
I’ve played a lot of early 90's perma death games that happily killed you nine ways to Sunday. Teaching you the game was more a bloody road of death loops as you painstakingly mapped out the often tortured singular path to progress the game.
Fallout NV
Cane sugar gets a bad wrap.
Anyone claiming financial impact should be forced to spell out that financial impact and all of their revenue streams in a very precise manner.
Lots of people make a lot of money off public school contracts. LoL
You hire on at 10-12 an hour, and are worked at that rate......