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    Can’t explain it but Chainsaw Man was an instant nope for me. Barely five minutes in and I turned it off.

    The Hundred ranks right up there along side The Walking Dead in my book for shows that went out of their way to ignore unsustainable plot development.

    It’s stuff like this that made me quit day one hype. Might miss the absolute glory of....day one glitchy mess....but the game will be more playable later.

    I would probably go with a converted box truck, not as long, but you can put solar out of sight on the roof, and nobody is going to look at it twice in a shopping center parking lot.

    A lot of people would be better off just buying a small RV than building a tiny house on a small trailer. Fifty to seventy thousand goes from basic fittings to full solar package on a standard fifteen foot trailer usually.

    If you are going to go that road get a rock solid prenuptial with a clear line on dividing moneys later.

    Health insurance?

    As much as I like Firefly, it barely had a Season One. Hard to recommend a show that barely gets going and then just stops on episode 14 despite it getting practically everything right from costume, to characters, to lore, to on screen chemistry.

    Didn’t the american version start out as a wheat smut blight? Fungus that naturally produced lsd making people trip bunnies?

    Financially on release, yes you are absolutly right.

    Oh I have no doubt he owns both “guns” and whatever that thing is bottom left.

    No no if he is hanging out with Republicans, then he needs to go back to using “Bradley” as a first name.

    Pretty sure Ethan ticked of all the princess boxes.......

    Just found one of those the other day.

    Yeah strange worlds isn’t great. The first fifteen minutes were all over the place jumping between set peices with little to no coherent art direction and a massive time skip.

    Sure, most of the time however it is about making a meal so basic even someone with zero skill in a kitchen can slap it together with no loss of quality.

    I personally belive once the community starts exploiting a mechanic like that (cough destiny loot cave) it should be worked into the gameplay not nuked from on high.

    That is the good solid honest way the game should be played!

    Got to love a good banned book list.

    KFC double decker man!