the companies mentioned have not paid their unarbitrated taxes in living memory.
the companies mentioned have not paid their unarbitrated taxes in living memory.
Brain Damage is permanent.
Her being involved in crashes proved false.....she wasn’t in any other crashes?
Only way that bubbles would do anything is if enough of them land in the water they are breeding in to mess with the surface tension.
Gas powered mosquito traps work.
Radiatori is the best for holding sauce to it.
Well just did two seconds of google searching and Kroger does seem to have a either a very tightly wound system, or a very defective one. Lots of entry way complaints. Huh. Not that I doubted you on the cart locking up.
Your overstating the issue as bad as the article. Unless there are lockers on all four wheels anyone with normal upper body strenght can blow right past one wheel locking up on an empty cart.
The biggest thefts these days isn’t even steak and beer anymore. It’s bars of soap, laundry detergent, and other misc items you find in convenience stores.
Considering how shallow the waters are the world over “cousins” really isn’t a good safety metric anymore. A good blood test checking for the top ten common debilitating recessives is safer than checking where they are on the family tree.
I think my favorite DAH moment was cheesing a boss battle. The way the UFO was configured on PS2 the walking map was simply downscaled to become the destructible map for the UFO to blow stuff up onoo. All the npc were still there, one quick destructo beam once you tripped the boss spawn and down went the boss.
Only times I ever have to do this are moving in or out of a house late at night. You can never find the Kitchen Stuff box but you have canned goods in need of an opener.
People have weird thoughts about legally actionable crimes these days, it isn’t mob rule that wins, it is all boring and expensive paperwork that gets the job done.
There is such a thing as self preservation you don’t poke trolls directly.
Russian, made up by a ksar a long time ago as the official language of his government. He forced a dozen minor territories with three times as many dialects to learn it just to be able to interact with his officials.
good tip.
just make sure the electricity is off, and be very careful of the contacts. even a “dead” capacitor can pack enough umph to melt the tip off a screwdriver for hours if accidentally grounded
they actually make a brush for that, well actually it is mostly for straightening the fins on the coil. Still a very careful and gentle scrub.
1. If the outside unit is in full sun for part or all of the 110+ degree day? You might consider shading it. This can be as simple as parking a patio umbrella over it, or as involved as building a fence or trellis around it to create shade.
Eh I did that?