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    Formula is one of many choices in life you don’t get to change your mind on later. Far better to choose breast feeding up front and just use formula later on or during the weening process.

    Now I want a crabdog covered in slaw!

    It’s just so much better to pop plain popcorn in a popcorn machine, and then doctor it to taste.

    Gods above being a parent should be harder than a couple minutes of non-videogame related entertainment.

    It’s not really about when a life becomes a life, or even the dogmatic application of religious texts, texts who’s family planning dictates are by the way now multiple centuries outdated.

    Is it really so hard these days to take a side?

    Move your bed to somewhere with a better breeze. Seriously, just move your bed.

    Faux meat product is largely machine cared for, bug sprayed, harvested, and processed legumes.

    The prepped thing is sort of over done these days, but I fully support folks keeping better stocked non-perishable pantry’s.

    The iodine.....


    Mandatory vaccination.....simple as that.

    Nope nope nope!

    Ugh bad luck there, three days is a quick turn around from infection to the lung issues killing someone.

    Or if you are super bachelor chow inspired butterfly the chicken breast just enough to make a meat pouch and use a pastry bag to inject the filling.

    I think my favorite is still Sam in the opening party scene of The Fellowship of the Rings, he was all over that party!

    Nope the problem is that the courts are not blind.

    If the artist is good, you are never going to be able to tell.

    This site has really gone down hill since you partook of the non-addictive herb.

    Why does this read like a “Please Drink Responsible” tag line in a beer commercial?