Gun control is easy, the problem is the “enthusiasts” and their enablers making fortunes off them, who lobby with shattering amounts of money to prevent any sort of meaningful gun control.
Gun control is easy, the problem is the “enthusiasts” and their enablers making fortunes off them, who lobby with shattering amounts of money to prevent any sort of meaningful gun control.
Sue them for slander?
Yeah magazine printing is some funky stuff. Did a semester pottery class ages ago, used magazine paper to burn off the raku pots. Depending on the level of effort you put into matching colors on the paper you use, you can get some crazy color transfers.
Sure, dead people don’t care.
Become politically active, run for office, vote to preserve health and human services?
It’s sad that it will take a law to fix this.
Because the slot at Target is once ever six months or so and about a thousand people apply per position.
I am honestly suprised every single Gamestop employee isn’t there just to flip limited video game merch on ebay.
So it doesn’t have a traditional narrative just a “meta" narrative told thru unlocks?
Worst clock I ever tried to get fixed, a 99h99m99s increment clock. 100hr 40m 39s to beat the game or every timer in the game breaks.
I think the whole economic recession due to covid and the sudden declaration of Omicron showing it’s not over?
Luck is mostly not seeing the effort someone else put into something. Master the basic sales techniques and it is like walking around with cheat codes for people. It takes effort to do it, but you can do the work to be lucky socially.
Depending on the surgery it can be appropriate to take a permenant marker and leave notes on your body.
I think out of all the fake apartments, homes, and misc buildings I’ve “owned” over the years home was one of the nicer ones at the time.
Sort of legal in that hard to prove grey area?
She maxed out her personal finances, ran up her husbands credit, and stole over half a million from her employeer......To play virtual slots.....She burned seven hundred to eight hundred thousand dollars to watch lights flash on a screen!!!!!
Only time I have ever seen the “on your body” list was at a hotel that really over did the water softening.
I agree with you, but until someone manages to get the entire internet reorganized and legally on the same page?
Slows addicts down, limits the damage they can do to their personal finances.