Blackhat is probably the single best depiction of hacking ever filmed, which is to say it is 99% boring as sin, and 1% enjoyable action that is still sort of meh.
Blackhat is probably the single best depiction of hacking ever filmed, which is to say it is 99% boring as sin, and 1% enjoyable action that is still sort of meh.
The uptick in violence isn’t really that suprising.
Pandemic life.........even if you didn’t move to a new’s still pretty much a new city. Soooooo many “locals only” places disappeared this last year.
There are benefits to having a national supply chain and national level advertisement purchases. But yeesh you would think more people would bite the bullet and downsize to a viable independent business standard....three years royalties to close a lease early? Wow..........
Something tells me your a cracker calling yourself a modder.
I’m shocked......SHOCKED I say.
I am first and foremost one of those strange and weird people that turns my computer off when not in use, and don’t actually use it ALL day.
Pumpkin spice or just pumpkin squash.......had a baaaaaaaaad experience with a “adventurous” cook where I assumed one and they cooked the other. Toughest mouthful I ever ate. laughter
The only problem with a lot of valid adult coping option is that they are kids. Their classmates will often draw more attention to them for trying any of those methods regularly.
Last words for you....I think you and her are a lot alike....try to be better.
Don’t buy from bottom level retailers.
You are absolutely right a clevage censor bar in a book publishing teenage boys in speedos is an idiotic double standard. That is a very petty type of pervert judgement that makes me thing there is one bible thumping prude in the mix.
She died something like half a month to a month after this incident.
She died something like half a month to a month after this incident.
Teaching people to pickup after themselves is an important life skill.
I am not so worried about the reptilian lounge lizard in the parking lot, as the human one loitering in the seating area.
Hospitals operate on a triage process......worst wound first.
27 out of 3000 fortune cookies.............the odds of winning based on fortune cookies annually.
The only “reason” for chasing down non-violent offenders is....