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    Mostly they were on drugs.

    Only proper way to eat a mango is cut in half, scored, and popped inside out.

    My mother was one of those people that NEVER washed a russet potato and would just toss it dirt and all into the oven to bake. Yeah......dirt baked potatoes....that was my childhood........sigh. No surprise she also peeled her kiwi.

    Maybe my bar is too low?

    Alcohol and people really shouldn’t mix.

    Full Dive looks fun, always up for breaking the game trope.

    Just as a note.....

    Just as a note.....

    Yes please, thank you.

    That’s the picture?!?!?

    There is an inevitability to things Buchanan ran afoul of where failing to play the role people wanted of him was worse than actually getting it wrong.

    I can agree with the kitchen/bathroom refresh.

    A severely outdated fuse box is a deal breaker for a lot of people because ANY problem with the electrical suddenly becomes rewiring the entire house.

    Meh.....every President enjoys some level of respect or maybe reflected respect of the Office. Even Nixon the previous “Worst President” maintained some shred of presidential grace to his dying day despite being a glorious bastard.

    I actually have a photo of Trump saved to my computer and like to look at it from time to time.

    I’ve had a couple ceramic Starbucks travel mugs over the years.......never been to a starbucks that wasn’t perfectly happy to fill one up.


    Honestly this is why all contracts should have clear termination clauses.

    Hypochondriacs where doing something if far better than nothing despite it having the same effect.

    The problem is actually in the sewer line....a 1960's house sewer line is installed assuming 1960's water flow per flush. Newer toilets already lower the volume.......dropping it even more can lead to clogs.

    MY house has a vintage 1960's era toilet that could flush a 1976 Chevy and I am not letting go of it. Spent five years with a first gen “high efficiency” toilet and I don’t know if it was just the bad mojo of that condo or what but never again.