
My OCD side Totally wants that! I'd even give up points in COD 2 in order to have no reminder that I borrowed it for a day. There are some that BUY games just to quickly up their gamerscore. Then there's gamers like me who spend more time on games trying to get more achievements thus never "finishing" some games and

I'm, a bit "OCD" and When Xbox360 first came out I played many arcade game demos. As it turned out they left that little 0G in your achievement list. On top of that I already decided I'd unlock every achievement in every game I owned. So any arcade game that had 0G I bought, with the intent of getting 100%

This is relevant to soooo many of my interests.

Thanks for this. I'm not one to shortchange someone's skills because it 'looks' easy. My hip-hop knowledge isn't super great, but it's something I greatly appreciate. Many of these songs in the 2nd vid are unarguably classic, and knowing how they were produced is enlightening.

Back in Mario Kart 64 I had a solid 10 sec lead on my friend. I was RIGHT at the finish line and he timed the triple red shells so I got hit by each one JUST as I recovered from the previous. Red shells were BRUTAL in that game. I recovered JUST in time for him to whiz by me past me to cross the finish. I just up and

So creepy but it made me laugh so hard!

Was it hard to 100%?

I'd been intrigued by Bayonetta since it's reveal years ago. The demo captivated me too! One day I caught it online on sale for $20. SOLD! So for about... um 2 years it's been on my shelf still shrink-wrapped. And now Bayo 2 is coming and I'm hype again1 Granted I have no WiiU. Ironically it would SO bug me to play

Weren't those robots? With no "ghosts". Also I figure they needed versatility. OH and the internet concept was kinda new still then right?

Over 15 years and that animation still racks my brain. It was so unexpected to me. Insane yet brilliant. Just like Bob. (perfect response BTW).

You got a righ-e-i-e-iiiight TO SAY NO!

However thousands of artists (including some famous ones) would not be where they are now if not inspired by Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z was such a force in the 90's that it was pretty instrumental in popularizing action anime in the US. Not saying you HAVE to appreciate the man of DB/DBZ. But you have to respect

I haven't watched FOX since they cancelled Firefly. Might give them a 2nd chance. But I swear. I SWEAR TO GOD; if they cancel this show just when it's getting good. THERE WILL BE A RECKONING.

Exactly what I'll be doing for the "new gen". I don't anticipate getting a new console until 2016 or later. Hopefully I'll get to have a similar experience

Just like you said a lot of game companies are guilty of "this" . That's is my opinion on a lot of "expanded universes". I was just comparing Star Wars' EU to Halo's EU on Kotaku the other day. And really that's the issue; assuming fans of a franchise enjoy it in every medium. Overall it tends to make it so that the

Hey. HEY! Only Captain AMERICA is allowed to do that!

Man, I spent highschool and the first few years of my working life reading Star Wars novels. And I LOVED them. Thrawn trilogy was amazing, Shadows of the Empire (book and game) were a secret fave, Truce at Bakura and The Courtship of Princess Leia really stand out to me. The hard part like Phil said was how it jumped

Been following you a long time Bob, I have high expectations of you.

That reminds me... I have 2 swollen years Blackberry batteries I never disposed of. I know I'm not supposed to just throw them away.. Crap I think I need to handle that ASAP. To Google!

Why doesn't it say "Eggscuse me, Princess!"? Wasted opportunity.