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Guess she gave him (wait for it ... ... ...) the COLD shoulder!

Definitely my favorite of all the Zelda raps. If you hadn't posted it I would have!

I often avoid FF7 stuff because I never finished the game (it's around here somewhere) but I might just give this a listen. Who knows it might convince me to make a new save file and go through FF7 for the music. Good post.

I was really about to blast this in my car earlier. Love the blending of genres.

UGH 20 yr old spoiler alert!

Still think it's pretty awesome. Wish I knew how to do this.

*nudge nudge* Get the digits, man.

Me too. Mine is still shrinkwrapped.

Yeah pretty much. Especially if you were exposed more to your own race for much of your development. It's when you don't care to distinguish between people of different races that you're being a jerk.

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We only think we're in control, the Tetris God decides all.

So if you hoop up a PS4 to an Xbox One and use the snap feature while playing WiiU on the gamepad... you can have all current gen consoles playing in the same room using 1 TV. The future is now!

I can understand that that's your opinion, but wow what an opinion. Actually OK, I can see why you preferred 2D platformers. The perspective makes things operate a different way. 2D games allow an immediacy that most 3D games can't do.

To be fair....

I was thinking of the same thing. Earlier this week Katy was "racist" for what she did. Not even taking sides but it seems a bit unfair. Why the different responses?

Well I'll be. The Scout outsmarted bullet.

Maybe. *sniff* Maybe. But The Sandvich cannot outsmart bullet.

Interesting article. And this was the DEFAULT? I just happen to leave the room and return to read it. My mindset was that something was weird with the letter. While reading I actually assumed it was written from the perspective of a woman. Until I got down to "beautiful". Though now I think of it, it could be a

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Japan huh? I'm pretty sure I know what happened...

Sounds like the Crackdown series would be good for you.