I follow you right? Lemme make sure I follow you XD
I follow you right? Lemme make sure I follow you XD
I'm just going to assume someone linked the clip from The Office.
Glad you pointed that out! I thought the animation was amazing. Led me to finding a really good artist/animator too!
Ouch. I love ya Ev but he has a point. Also I wouldn't say tacky and sophomoric... that's just cold bro.
I've heard this song MANY times, but never before beyond the 1st minute. It was worth being brainwashed to hear it.
I TRIED to hear something else, but I'm hearing f*ckball too. Listened a few times, messed with the sound. Used headphones... still "f*ckball". Wondering if he said "fuzzball".
Fuel the Fire, Release the Beast.
Same here! There have been other 3rdPS's in the years sense and a borrowed control scheme could be great. Gears of War comes to mind. They really should put in on XBLA then if it does well enough make a sequel.
You're a bad person and you should feel bad.
I agree. Though I'm finding Borderlands 2 to be quite the exception. I give some credit to Enslaved also.
I learned my lesson on an EGM review of Jet Force Gemini. The game got an above average score, but not as high as I expected from a Rare game. I rented it one day since I figured I would blast through it and get my money's worth. The controls were tricky, the music and graphics were great. Hours before I had to return…
If the PS4 controls the market, gaming will be more "Easternized" AGAIN. But not like it was in the 90s. The West has learned too much from the East to completely die off again.
Since the guy who plays House is actually British... well what would we call that? Irony? IDK.
What can I say that others haven't in depth? I loved this show and at the time of this article was stuck on episode 3 (stupid Netflix error). After finishing the final episode of season 1 I had to find this again and read past what would have been spoilers and see what everyone had to say. And I think most feel the…
So very often do you say exactly the right thing.
In the subtitles or in the episode description? I didn't catch them calling him "Pornstache" in the first convo, but figured it out reading the episode description. Then they called him that a lot. Was really funny to me!
This may be old, but you said exactly what I wanted to say. This comment should've been approved.
EXACTLY. Legend of Korra being wrapped up in one season really neutered the series. It will take some REALLY smart writing to continue the series without it feeling tacked on. The 1st season had enough material to be stretched out and molded into a a complete series. The villain was great, the romance was good and the…
Thought this was a gag until I saw "Spike Jonze" and it all made sense. Wow. Not only is the movie timely, but damn is that intriguing. Could be the next Truman Show.