
I SO wanted my own T-Bob when I was a kid. He was a robot friend who could turn into a motor scooter. A FRIGGIN MOTOR SCOOTER!

Now playing

Duck Tales really was a special cartoon and to me best Disney cartoon ever. Even the game, while not great was unique and did it's best to feel "organic". The "Moon" theme from Capcom's game is one of the loveliest 8 bit compositions on the NES. It stirs in me the same feelings I had about the show. A simple idea

It SEEMS like a dig, but I take it as partly a joke, and partly showing how much female fans potentially overlook as they remain desirous fans.

What do you mean "You... Persons"? <_<

What did I miss that makes everyone rage about Patricia? Kotaku seems to post pretty much the same content before I saw her name regularly. I hope it's not an anti-woman thing. But guess by your rant it's because she posts a lot about sexism? Please don't reply with "ITS BECAUSE SHES A (EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE INSULT

Yeah I know we're only 12-13% of the us population, but man we just don't last on that show. And if we do, we get no lines. T_T RIP T-Dog

Sometimes. I think our humor has changed over time though. I like the skit, maybe because I love Kevin Hart's comedy and The Walking Dead. SNL hasn't made me bust out laughing like Kevin's own Real Husbands of Hollywood, but it has its moments.

BINGO. No one points this out.

I find previews to be invaluable. For me the heyday of gaming journalism was late 90's EGM. The preview told about the feature of the game and showed some of the graphics. Larger more respected developers got bigger previews, though a game that showed enough promise got a larger one also. Hopes were were built up

I read that last week and sent it to Peter Payne of J-list. he agreed with it wholeheartedly. He's been in Japan for many years now and his site is pretty popular.

Were you going for the word "secrete"? As in do you ejaculate into the controller? Because penis insertion is in the article title. And THAT WOULD be a good question.


Sorry but Beyonce's butt is pretty substantial. Notably so. Not that I gawk at it, but a Google search will give you plenty evidence of that.

A white person complaining about something like that isn't moronic.

"Your Mom" is a classic. In fact, it's too good for the plebeians that use it now. I was online and after a tough win I say "Man I hate that map, might be the worst in the game" one of MY teammates replies "Your Mom is the worst map in the game." We were playing Happy Wars. Frikkin Happy Wars. -_-

Man, I remember in the 90's reading gaming magazines like Nintendo Power and EGM. Names like (former Nintendo President) Hiroshi Yamauchi, Shigeru Miyamoto and Satoru Iwata were thrown about all the time. As a kid you wondered "who ARE these people", but now with online video of events and features like Nintendo

I do say my good chap. Well played.

The Cold War is over buddy. Microsoft and Sony laid down their nukes. We now have this thing called the Fanboy Emancipation Act. You're not forced to act like an immature self validating child anymore!

I kid. We're the same age. When I was younger though, I recall the term having at least some positive feedback. But I guess it depends on what channels you follow. Or what side of the "fence" you're on.

I actually prefer the term AGED American!