Won't it be stuck on the console of whoever enters the name?
Won't it be stuck on the console of whoever enters the name?
"When you don't have any clothes on!" would also have been an acceptable answer ;o)
Since Wii U ca play Wii games, can they play online cross system? I know few games feature online multiplayer, but if you're transferring your data, does that end playing multplayer Wii games?
My thoughts exactly. I have a certain name I use in games, and I was so ticked when some bum used my name for a 48 hr Xbox trial. A few weeks ago though, I just happened to look my name up and Microsoft had released it! I had to pay 10 bucks but I got my original name back. Despite not having a PS3, I reserved my name…
What's Snood?
I don't know whom this benefits, but they should watch this anyway. (Brace your feels and manly/womanly tears.)
The LATE Randy Savage. RIP Macho Man.
There's many ways to look at a list like this. The most fun games when they came out, the games that are still as fun, the most groundbreaking games, games that are the most famous... there's just so many ways. Then add on top of that VARYING OPINIONS, and the fact that where you are in life, can greatly affect the…
Everyone here is bashing this game, yet it's supposedly a stellar success. What am I missing here? Which side has more delusions?
Thanks, I appreciate that insight.
Wow this looks amazing. Not often we get to see CG and acting of that caliber in an adult setting. I'm a Halo 4 holdout. With a double digit game backlog and financial investments in... well being an grownup, I didn't think I'd be getting Halo4. Halo3 was great, I personally didn't get into it like Halo2. Mainly…
I've gamed on PC, PS3, Wii and Xbox and I enjoy Xbox the most. For features and consistent connection (I have Fios) Xbox usually fares better second only to PC. However PC isn't universal. Not everyone I know uses the same thing in every game. So for convenience, I give my nod to Xbox Live.
Is that a version of the Transforming Dpad controller?
Still the best Bionic Arm:
I remember that movie, but had no idea there was a serious gaming nod in it. Makes me really want to check it out.
I loved this movie, obviously for its many gaming references. When I saw the "ALL YOUR BASES ARE BASES ARE BELONG TO US" graffito in the beginning, I knew I was in for a treat. I took my six year old nephew who indeed found the multiple uses of the joke "hero's doody" the funniest part. Granted the bulk of in-jokes…
I hope this article doesn't get bashed once people read the whole article. I've never played an Assassins Creed game, but the latest two really sparked my interest when I found out how close to home there are. One taking place during The Revoultionary War, and the other featuring a character of African american…
HA! Forgot all about that. Haven't played Pokemon in nearly a decade, but I still have my old games. Ah the hundreds of hours I spent with Pokemon before Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe came out.
So well put Mini-Wheat. And Bazzed, not everyone is trying to start a fanboy war.
I became of fan of Wheel of Fortune by playing the NES version. Might even have been what made me a fan or words today. The funny thing is, I got it when I was 10, and 20 years later, I've yet to beat the bonus round and snag that Bentley!