
I was looking for this vid! Fellow PSU player?

I thought it was quite chuckle worthy, especially when Kotaku point out they're parodying the commercials with the Japanese pop group in it.

I'm all for explosions, but that got to Jerry Bruckheimer levels near the end.

@Acronym: Wow that's really saying something considered you're logged on through Facebook.

Back in the N64 days we didn't consider it cheating to look at the other screen because everyone had the same "advantage".

@MaximusDM: Admit it you DO want to even though you're a guy. C'mon, we won't shame you.

@GregtheMad: Aw man, you played the dead grandma card. That's harsh!

@Kobun: Well since all of the spikes have blood on them... SOMEONE had to have made it that far. Bodes well.

That explains why they tried to carve the Aussie goalie after they won. Those armor+ parts are hard to come by.

It's funny, this is like the sequel to "Game Over: The Rise and Fall of Nintendo". (Which was aslo a good read).

It shames me to say I'm not sure which Mario is directly behind Mega mario's hand.

@Bryan Pope: Reminds me of the 80's when the Mario cartoon was out, and it was debated which Mario was on screen Mario or "Super Mario". Adding that tiny Mario in the DS game made me chuckle because of the slight layer of complexity they added to that debate.

@Michael Dukakis: Kotaku got the scoop on this I see. A regular sex jokes eh? Wait... don't think I did that right...

The ONLY thing 'potentially' holding them back is the pricetag. When they're in the $120-$150 range collectors scoop the up. Parents go for them over the pricier console cousins.

The ONLY thing I want to know is how long until 3DSi or Lite comes out! I cannot buy another handheld and have it's successor announced weeks later!!