
She ain’t even going to reply to his texts I bet. Ezra got straight up Ghosted.

I want to go to there.

nope, no one plays games that you don’t play. We actually exist only to confirm your own existence. Its one hell of a life.

LOL, Angela will be the eBay fodder for this batch.

Yes. But only if it really pisses you off. Oh it does?

Yes, his poor sweet wife. God look over her in this terrible time of grief and being the most obvious prime suspect to ever perp walk out of a double wide trailer.

Needless to say I am in favor of this. I keep hoping my boy will finally just get a cameo or brief mention in the MCU.

Looking at these pictures is a walk down my own personal walk of shame. I have already fucked so many of these robots. Fucking them again would be pointless. For they have already been well and truly fucked.

So say we all. Everyone who had a chance to talk with him a bit at cons always felt despite the crowds and the noise and a million things going on he was focused on you in that moment and giving you all his attention. Super nice person.

Oh no. How terr-ible.

Oh too bad, corporations are people. Sucks when it doesn’t work for you.

Wow, software has bugs, that company must be evil!

Especially since Paul spends tremendous energy trying to navigate his way around the Jihad happening. It’s a future he fights constantly to prevent. Eventually he realizes it will happen one way or another. The fact of his existence among the Fremen and his proof of the Missionaria’s “prophecy” coupled with the

The weirding way shit was almost completely Lynch’s creation.

This. Seriously, film is a very different medium and boiling it down to the action part would make a very good film. I’m a die hard Dune fanatic and I love delving into all of the minutae but I realize it’s not for everyone.

Protestors should just shut the whole thing down. Encircle, block and hinder anyone trying to get in or out of the airport. Lock it down.

Such a fucking crybaby. Damn, just damn.

We aren’t going to buy your false equivalences anymore. You are insulting our intelligence.

I am completely okay with that.

Wish I had the video, but at my UNI on November 8th, there were borderline riots outside the freshman dorms. Everyone was shouting “fuck trump” but one IDIOT thought it was a good idea to rip his shirt off, put on an american flag bandana and stand in the middle of the crowd and shout in his HEAVY southern accent