
My 8 yr old daughter absolutely LOVES this game and I enjoy watching how she plays with it. The fact that it isn’t a linear point A to Point B game for her is the best part. It’s wildly creative and she has a blast seeing how wrong she can make things go in her little worlds. And she has barely scratched the surface

I hope Warner Bros. gets it ...

I’m totally buying this just to piss off the PC guys! Also I already have the PS4, already have the camera. And don’t feel like building a L33T PC to run the oh so superior other doodle.

Nabi Square HD. It’s actually made for kids so it’s easy as shit to use, has a built in lcd screen for playback and a surprisingly great image quality. I’d put on par with GoPro hero 2. Shoots full 1080p 30fps. Saves to Micro SD and comes with an astonishing number and types of mounts. Even has a GoPro mount adapter

Nabi Square HD. It’s actually made for kids so it’s easy as shit to use, has a built in lcd screen for playback and

I just drank of gallon of cheater tears and I don’t even play this game. They are incredibly sweet and nourishing and I’m pretty sure I can pick up a car now.

I have all the previous issues and kind of lost track of it somewhere along the way as their schedule slipped and slipped and slipped. It really saddens me when creators some in with a strong concept and nice clean storytelling and artwork then can’t keep that momentum. This is the industry they profess to be DYING to

He struck me as a lazy sack of shit who never did anything most of the game except sit around and sleep (usually in my family’s house) while I ran all over hell’s half acre getting shit done to rebuild HIS organization.

I love Cait. Every time I’m looting a dead body and she shouts “Payday!” I crack up. It never stops being funny. Plus the post sleep things she says are raunchy fun “Ooh, I think I pulled a muscle!”

I’m sorry...you need to speak louder. All I can hear is FALLOUT 4.

You must not play many Bethesda titles. This has been the least buggy Bethesda title launch ever. They’re getting better and better at QA.

Correction: YOUR managers bought food for everyone.

No way! Then they won’t get to review copies of Fallout 5 in the year 2023.

He’s a black belt in Hulk Smash.

Put Goat simulator on it and it’s a buy.

A picture from this morning. Not better yet.

Walked into a Gamestop one time and noticed a clearance shelf with various movie related items marked way down. One of the items was a big decal of Brandon Routh as Superman from Superman Returns.

Actually, rather than actually taking flight it would make more sense in terms of fuel economy to reduce weight and drag.

So crazy it just might work...