ok but wouldnt having to relay those distances back to the server require data, and the less positions it pings to the server, the less accurate the distance traveled, but also the less data used?
ok but wouldnt having to relay those distances back to the server require data, and the less positions it pings to the server, the less accurate the distance traveled, but also the less data used?
If I was to put my guess to it, I would say the innaccuracy of the GPS tracking is due to the developers wanting to keep data usage at the bare minimum.
the guy who did it will probably die of diabetes soon so he may have won the battle...
Why do they gotta put Candela as the leader of the aggressive, pokemon are meant to fight team?
I didn’t even get my first ball hair til I was almost 16. I feel like in school we were always taught girls started maturing on average over a year before males. If he would have just left out the “for a woman” part it would have been fine.
well yes but people proved his first post wrong so he must resort to arguing schemantics and pretend like it was his original point the whole time.
yes because it being okay for you means it must have been okay for everyone else.
I only play Dva when theres another tank on my team and I spend almost all my time flying into the enemies backline to kill their Mercy or flying to disrupt/kill a hanzo/widowmaker
If you dropped her ult without using your rocket boosts first it was pretty much impossible to get away from unless you had something to hide behind. With the reduction in explosion delay by a full second, it would be completely impossible.
There’s a technique in how you hold the controller called “the claw”. I’m not kidding. You bend your pointer finger down so you can push X to fly while keeping your thumb on the right stick and firing with your ring finger. Probably why I’m good at Pharah is that I can fly and aim from years of practice holding the…
good as Curry is, Durant would be the best player on their team if they signed him.
I would consider saying you like a video game a white lie.
I mean he proposed to her at 17 years old... and 7 years later the guy still likes the exact same things. I think she dodged a bullet.
No but you are attacking quite a few. If you exercise and get active it will help reduce stress and you will not need to vent your sexual frustrations on a comment thread.
He pays his fighters so well that after 2 fights the guy still needed to live with a roomate and still couldn’t afford his rent. He risked life and limb in the sport to make Dana White literal millions of dollars to receive a check for 2 grand. What a hero Dana White is.
Very nice cosplays indeed
widely respected maybe because he has never really found any serious success but still continues to perform. I’ve heard he used to tell jokes, now its pretty much he rants about how shitty of a person he is and the people are laughing at him not with him.
If you’re referring to the guy in the red shirt who jumps up, he is in the row behind the family. The woman has a child on her lap with her husband on the right. But that doesn’t quite fit the bad joke you’re trying to make
Cool action figures and all but until they can give me a soulful rendition of “What’s Going On” by 4 Non Blondes I’m not buying
it was an embarrassingly awful joke so I don’t blame you