
Too bad there’s pretty much zero load time in videogames anymore.

This is fighting for million’s of dollars.

Or getting up from your desk at school only to realize your looped shoelace has found its way under the leg like a noose and so you yank the desk into everything as you tumble forward.

At first I wasn’t sure what you meant but then I realized it’s not 2004.

I prefer the people suggesting Soo

Bigger map is a godsend for 4v4 matches

I can tell you are not a huge fan of the English language. Holy crap.

typical DNB response

Yes because there is zero corruption and racism in government on the national level.

F U that is a good movie

He gives a pretty generic answer because he has to. When I heard him talk about it on local radio he basically gave the i wasnt there so i cannot judge anything but domestic violence is a horrible thing and blah blah blah. Talked about bible preaching forgiveness and stuff.

haha I came here to say exactly that

this is the most realistic one by far

Surely you don’t believe that they only bought the company to make profits off of candy crush. And also you surely don’t believe you know more about business than the people at the head of a multi Billion dollar company.

The worse you get beat the more you spend on card packs trying to not get beat

What is your opinion of Jameis Winston? He had accusations of rape and then was drafted in the first round. Yet no one cares or talks about it. Or Michael Vick, he was actually found guilty in court and served time yet he was signed immediately out of prison.

He’s also a big supporter of Bernie Madoff

yesterday my team was zeratul, lt. morales, abathur, azmodan, and sonya. Sonya quit before the match started and I dont blame her.

I was too excited to read that part I guess. Thanks!

The main bad guys in all of the warcraft universe are the Burning Legion