Have you tried world first raiding?
Have you tried world first raiding?
Why are the other players in the Players’ Association okay with him cheating in the playoffs?
Like your stuff Yannick, this one coulda used a nice proof read first though.
Ah so it is the ghost’s of all those damned Spanish Imperialists that are breaking criminals out of prison and greasing politicians pockets.
I’m curious what are these outside structures you are speaking of?
I accept anything as currency if it has been licked by Ariana Grande
probably ex buddies at this point
not sure how negotiating with a free agent during free agency is pulling a fast one. Please explain.
Yes, throwing a ball up in the air towards the basket is so hard, but positioning yourself to allow you to jump uncontested for a ball, make the jump, catch the ball, secure the ball in your grip, turn your eyes away from where the pass came from to the rim, and putting the ball in the rim is the easy part.
He’s a center wtf is he supposed to do dribble it down the court? Of course they were assisted points.
Tarping the field in highschool was always fuckin awesome
“Spider 2 Y-BaHolyShit”
The permanent augment rune will be a requirement but it’s still cheaper tbuy the runes than buying the rep
But that view is widely held. And it shows itself as TV ratings.
Well it’s an opinion so that’s fine with me. It’s my opinion that you are afraid of being wrong, seeing as you make sure to throw insults at those who disagree with you without considering their point. So since you are afraid of something, that must also make you a child.
Well you have zero stars on your posts, there are over 50 for the people responding to you. Are you sure it is everyone else who has issues?
From reading his responses I’d be willing to bet that he is confused by a lot of things,
I guess the majority of those PGA players shouldn’t be teeing it up in the US open because they were all missing the fairway consistently.
Damn this new concept of increasing consequences as a game progresses.
WTF is a real gamer?