
What are Texans intolerant about? I would like proof and examples, other than what you think other people think.

So you hate all professional sports, because football is the lowest paid of the big 3

Well first off Albert Einstein had an accent because English was not his first language. Since when do African Americans speak something other than English? And you're right it is his right do say whatever he wants on TV, but it is also the viewers rights to judge him based upon his actions. And for the most recent

yeah me and friends still play this weekly, as well as the minigames from pokemon stadium and a lot of mario party.

It must be exhausting trying to find something to be offended about all the time. What does him being black have to do with anything? And to put a hole in your black, arrogant, talented argument: Michael Jordan or Muhammed Ali. Two of the biggest stars in the history of their sports, who are black, arrogant, talented

I'm confused as to why the person who sees the other person first shouldn't win the fight 99% of the time

When your ruling helps to void part of a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars you better make damn sure you follow due process. Because if they win (which they did) they were going to get hit with a lawsuit (which they did), and guess what that means its going to, an actual court of law.

You're an idiot because you took him seriously. Next time you see someone using blanket statements and absolutes, they are more than likely being sarcastic. Just an elementary English lesson for you. But nice fight videos anyway.

Leave it to Yankee's fans to feel good about themselves for talking crap to the Mariners. It's the Mariners.

It was an ASU fan who kicked the ASU bro in the face

He kicked someone in the face and didn't receive anything in return, I'd say he's the winner. And also he has huge balls to do that surrounded by students

League of Penile?

Almost as different as your definition of journalism. I challenge you to write something that doesn't include snark or some passive agressive sarcasm.

Clearly guilt? The dude sold his $750,000 of stock in a company ran by shady crooks that he didn't want to be involved with. The guy is a multi billionaire, do you really think he cared enough to risk imprisonment for less than .01% of his net worth? And having money does not make you a douchebag, making derogatory

You don't read so well? Check the whole thread next time.

well fuck me lol. Nice reporting

So can I be the first to name Andrus, Beltre, and Fielder the Three Stooges

As a Ranger fan, I feel just the opposite. Kinsler is a Ranger hall of famer and has been great for this team over the years but I'm glad that I don't have to watch him loaf down to first base after he hits another fly ball. And Prince Fielder is made for our ballpark.

Ranger fan here, Kinsler bitched this season about being unwilling to play any other position than 2B, so you can make him play third, but he will not like it and he will let people know.

You cannot make a claim like that without backing it up with something. Worst trade of all time? You either don't know baseball or you are high on drugs