
To those asking 'what would happen if there were no police'......... Well, in Texas.... There's your answer....

The last person that ran up on me when I was in a vehicle after a 'road rage' incident (Pedestrian ran right in front of my car at night wearing all black, I slammed on my brakes and laid on the horn, he came back off the opposite curb to yell at me. He had a .45 that was out and a split second away from being pointed

I'd call it inaction..they took very few steps to actively protect themselves, merely reacting to her movements...

I gotta say, after she hit them...yeah...fuck that.... bitch is getting pushed off the road or shot.....she steps out of the vehicle coming towards me after running me off the road? Bitch, you're getting run over.. I'm not taking a chance of that crazy bitch having a weapon and getting close enough to use it.

9 years?bah...Panther platfrom. 4.6L 281ci SOHC from 1992 to 2011.. suck it...:p

So... a cop takes his eyes off the cite people for...taking their eyes off the road...WTF..on a bike no less... plus, most of those people were stopped at lights..not like they're reading their email going 100 kmh..

This is why they need to issue batons to motorcycle units... Indiana Jones, anyone?

But it's true! hahahah

Microwave you say? Hmm...

Yeah. People are confused as to why the robbers are still alive, and are missing bullet wounds.

2 interactions with those e-tards made me dislike 'those people'...

Freedom : Speak out against something, get arrested.

So, since Police are responsible for you and your safety when detained, will the PD pay for the damage to their car? After all, it WAS in police custody.

Propane tank in garage.

Boston PD put out a press release saying they 'thwarted a very serious threat to public safety', after finding an explosive device (pictured) in one of the backpacks...

You're* .... Your indicates possessive, as in, MY rude, not I AM rude.

Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire!

Spoken like a true NW liberal pansy...

Yup, lucky it wasn't out here. The bikers probably would have been shot.

Idiot motorcyclist, driving too fast for conditions, splitting lanes, NOT paying attention to traffic ahead of him.. How, is this in ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM anyone BUT the motorcyclists fault?