Florian Wardell

People, let's read the actual book before posting YouTube-worthy comments.

@lemonlemonuk: Probably not a glitch. Apple is well known for not adjusting their prices.

Days just got 0,0000000000001 seconds longer.

I bought a second 160GB iPod classic, just in case.

A basic GPS doesn't emit anything, making it untraceable.

It sounds way more professional now.

I'm going to miss you, Wave.

@Slinkytech: Lens micro adjustment is a feature that allows you to fine tune the autofocus of your camera. In a perfect world, new lenses are perfectly calibrated, but that's often not the case. Hence the usefulness of MA.

@Red_and_Dead: You saved this article's comments. Thank you.

Wow. I want this for the iPhone 3GS.

@RenRen: Ha! You get a heart.

@SophT: But did your media library/mp3 replace your CD collection?

@The Lab: Yes, but is the O2/CO2 balance in H2O enough for us terrestrial breathers? Sorry if the question is stupid, chemistry has never been my strongest point.

If anyone could answer the O2 question... Does water emit a decent amount of it and absorb CO2? Or do they have to bring SCUBA tanks down from time to time?

"Fixes an issue with tables." Seriously? For numbers? How precise.

@judacris: My thoughts exactly. The world would not be the same without the iPod.

The iPod. It's the father of all iPhones, iPads, plus it pioneered digital media libraries, online music stores, and so on.

What about post-its?