
I was trying to explain a correlation. I made no conclusions about Mr. Efron, just an observation about addiction and abuse in general. I have paid no attention to him to draw any conclusions.

Addicts do run the risk of becoming abusive. It's acorresponding risk. A lot of nice people are assholes drunk or coked up, especially. It reduces impulse control and impairs judgement.

My husband and I were married for four years and had a two year old when I suggested opening the marriage. He and I talked till we were hoarse, and after six weeks of discussion, we both were present when I proposed to the person I was interested in. (Yes, I had someone in mind. I also knew that I did not want to give

How about his promise to end Planned Parenthood, one of the few low-cost women's health care sources? Or reversing the mandate that birth control be treated like any other preventative care and forcing women to pay for birth control without any assistance?

That was my reaction too. But now he has the misquote writ large on his forearm and likely will insist that was exactly what he wanted should someone tell him differently.

I love you.

Plus he's the one who is more adult, married, has two kids, and was her boss when they had the affair. Cut the younger, less experienced kid a break!