I'm ready for the Galaxy Player i want a music player with apps(android) and camera and mike.
I'm ready for the Galaxy Player i want a music player with apps(android) and camera and mike.
At my high school we have a thing called mimio. It's a wireless dongle like thing that suction cups to the board and tracks a special pen/stylus with infrared.It works cause every class has a ceiling mounted projector. you can use an expo marker with a special grip to record notes or use the notes app and actually go …
Update: [jalopnik.com]
@Fronzbot: Dsl goes through your phone line.
@Arken: OR you could use a charger that's one piece and not have an extension cord laying in the floor.
@blehbleh13: oh.....
@usedtowork: I was talking about the charger.
@blehbleh13: if you don't mind me asking why would you buy this when you can get one just a functional (cheaper) but not as pretty?
@NonAnon2222: prettty sweet..... glad you posted didn't know that model was out.
@Taylorc52: The one pictured is not ghetto i thought it would post below not above.
@Desu-San-Desu: and that's a ghetto one somebody added some after market stuff too.
@Desu-San-Desu: btw nice silverado genius. and by the way i drive a 2007 Z71 suburban. It's a great car and runs great.
@andrew_berge: Pokemon on GB Color when i was like 7. Brings back memories. For a half year i didn't know you could save so i restarted everytime.
@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: yeah the semi guns are usually more power full. Full auto m9's and fal's would be bad.
@BeyondtheTech: no the .1 is for the sub woofer not pet. Just Kidding hope everything works out.
@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: duh, but if you want to be a jerk about it
@BeyondtheTech: five including you or five plus you?
Will you not be banned from live? If it has full semi and burst modes isn't that a modded controller?
@siwex80: Don't get mad that because apple insulted samsung they retaliated. And have you ever used the galaxy S? Samsung makes some great products so until you have used one don't hate.