Taylor Hedgie

You know some guy was sitting in a room with a bajillion buzzers and hitting them in various combinations until he found the one that makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

I wonder if RockStar will sue for copyright infringement.

I counted 3 orgasms for the woman doing the voice-over.

I will start by saying I made a new account to post with because I do not want to post on my real account and out myself.

Honestly, I love these. I also thought that they should have done a more "updated" looking dash configuration but it still works.

The thing I wish Dodge/Chrysler/Fiat would do is invest a little in differentiating the engine/material choices through the range. The 300 isn't a flagship but they should kind of treat it

I don't know, I think the early 2000's Infiniti M are more hitman-esque

And the HOON of The Year goes to...

Doesn't he still make racist and rape jokes all the time though? Oh wait he's popular and people like him I guess that means that's okay.

I would totally watch Darth Vader cook a turkey with force lightning then carve it with his lightsaber.

we need a nice top ten single engine fighters on a budget list, or a"which mrap fits my personality" quiz. stat!

I had no idea that the SR-71 ever made any appearances at air shows...

Seriously, this thing... It's utterly bonkers. Everything about it goes to 11, then snaps the knob off, lights it on fire, and throws it on an exploding gascan. Then it walks away while the world explodes.