
You obviously know nothing of the Restaurant business. Every customer you let leave your place of business will complain to their family, friends, people a work, and social media. One FB user can inform 5000 friends of your folly. All the expensive ad money you spend you just threw it away over a couple of bucks.

Replace them the next time the customer comes to the store, like a responsible manager would.

Yeah, corporate can’t really do much, which is actually why I am boycotting Subway.

My parents are of Scottish, Irish and English stock.”

This exact point has been openly discussed a lot in Australia. When this has been pointed out by Aboriginal people, many an Australian racist has replied that Aboriginal culture was uncivilized and Australia was built by white people. They say this is now a developed nation so brown/black immigrants aren’t needed here

Probably the same as it feel to be Souix or Cheyenne and hear white people talking about building the wall.

I don’t expect the media to their jobs and point out that the current occupant of the Oval Office was and has been the inspiration for not some but all the violence carried out in places of worship and on the streets of not just The United States. No they will blame anyone or anything rather than look in the fucking

I can only imagine how it feels to be aboriginal Australian or Maori and hear this guy talking about claiming the land as his and repelling an invasion.

Out there, somewhere, is an Aborigine side-eying the shit out of him right now.

That jumped out at me too.

“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”

Jesus Christ, these people are trash. 

In related news, water is wet.

Dumb people like big simple solutions.

This whole wall thing is so absurd. It has been shown time and again that the wall will do nothing to stop most of the illegal immigrants, because they come here LEGALLY and don’t leave! And then you got things like tunnels, boats, cars/trucks through regular border crossings, etc.

If Hershey’s just gave the chocolate a living wage, the kisses wouldn’t need tips.

If money is changing hands in the vicinity of a  Trump, a crime is being planned or committed... stupidly. 

Draining the Swamp so the Trump Family, the Saudi Royals and the Russian mob could move in.

I think this goes for most of Europe too. Not perfect, but you don’t get into making debt or just die situations.

Our system in Canada may not be perfect, but I’m so thankful that I would never have to go through something like this...