
To anyone who thinks they are reasonably intelligent, it should be clear by now that Trump hasn’t a clue what he talks about; regardless of subject. Speaking of which, why is anyone even paying attention to the moron’s tweets?

maybe trump should worry about his own taxes? im willing to bet if the irs did a full scale audit on him he’de be in jail longer than he has years left to live and then some. too bad nothing will happen until he is out of office in 2021. until then he has the power to gum up the works to prevent any real looking into

Yeah, me too. It was this creepy used car salesman looking weirdo with a bad comb over, an even worse spray tan and a poorly fitted cheap suit. Can’t recall his name, though....

Hypocrisy is honey to the TBT (true-believers of trump). Ignorance is faith, and stupidity is genius to the wilted, drippy snowflakes of the cult of trump’s sadly flapping fapping. WARNING trumpers, trumpettes, and trumpkins, the irony is drowning you deep in the swamp cesspool or the GOP’s “shining city on the hill.”

Are people being intentionally dense today? Pretty obvious that those retiree benefits and maintenance costs are going to be there whether or not Amazon does business with the USPS.

If only you had one of the world’s greatest memories like this guy I know. This guy remembers everything perfectly. Well, almost everything, he gets stressed out by journalists and depositions, but otherwise, amazing memory.

When those costs have nothing to do with the issue but are instead foisted upon the USPS (and only the USPS) by Republican legislation designed to cripple the service and buttress idiotic privatization arguments from the robber barons.

Complains about fake news. Cites said news in rant.

I seem to remember someone saying not paying any tax for ten years made him “smart”. Can’t quite remember who…

It doesn’t take a genius to realise that it’s a personal tiff with Bezos.

It is no wonder; nearly everything out of that man’s mouth since he announced his candidacy has been, at best, a 1] mistruth or, sadly more likely, 2] an outright lie. (depending on if he 1] believed it or 2] knew it was not true & expected to be believed). Even for a politician he is unusually lie prone. Almost

I wonder if Trump pays his fair share of taxes? How many bankruptcies have he or his companies been through? Amazon is doing what is required by law just like every other company in America. Why would anyone volunteer to pay more than law requires? Is he going to make an Amazon law?

lolz of course a kid from Nigeria is smarter than a Swede

If she’s supposed to be so superior, why was she using her real life photo as the profile photo for her secret alter ego?

Literally when I read this on HuffPo at first I was like ‘All of these links seem rather circumstantial, she’ll play that card and say it’s totally not her’ till the article said it was the same

He did a little prick on his little prick

No, I entirely get the point: These people think that their pets should be able to go with them anywhere and everywhere because they think of their pets as people and not pets. They don’t understand(or care) that an indoor concert is a dangerous place for the dog. They are being selfish and ignorant.

As far as lawsuits go before the McDonalds hot coffee suit I would have thought not a chance. These days however?

“But if she trily loved that pet in the way she claimed, she would not have done something so horrific”

And she has the gall to sue the airline? Fuck HER.