
Thinking about this guy wandering around completely lost is breaking my heart. The original article describes him as mentally disabled, so if that’s true, why was no one from his group waiting for him at the end of the race? I’m so glad Officer Yam noticed him.

It’s kind of precious. Like when my cat knows I’m sad and brings me his favorite toy.

It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.

She sang from a real emotional place. She fucking lived those songs, and you heard it when she sang them.

Giving birth ripped me apart and destroyed my identity. I was 100% sure it was a mistake.nto have become a mother. I love that we can admit this now, that hormones are stronger than us and we might need time to adjust.

I love Adele. She'd be a success no matter what. If anything, she's been successful despite being bigger. And how refreshing to hear professional women talk about how hard it is to come back after a baby. Also, I don't read interviews with her often, but from this article, she sounds woman-positive. I mean, she says

In my opinion it’s a lot easier eating pussy than sucking dick.

From the NY Times, August 30, 1993:

Like a squid who tries to cover their tracks with ink so they can escape quickly.

I always use this metaphor when having this conversation with guys like this dude:

the paper also engages in the wince-worthy description of what they call “marginally significant” or “near significant” data.

It doesn’t seem mysterious to me. You’re aging, you have scant emotional resources, you know damn good and well you don’t have enough money to afford old age, your kids are out of the house (if you have any), and the idea of ‘retraining’ for a job in your mid fifties isn’t even being touted as a pipe dream anymore.

THIS is always my question when people go on about this shit. Surely coast- or island-bound tribes with 80% fish diets managed to have children and you’re losing your shit because some pregnant lady is having a tuna sandwich? Come the hell on.

I blame the rising popularity of George R.R. Martin. When large numbers of white people start dying, he's probably to blame.

Just turned 45. Is my advanced degree going to save me?!?

Might as well drink now, while I have breath.
There is no drinking after death.

When I was pregnant with my first, my neighbor (who has three older kids) said to me, “Lots of people are going to give you advice. Just remember we’ve been around since caveman times and people are still here so you’ll probably be FINE.”

There’s a.... person I know on fb, which is a moron. I haven’t unfriended her simply because of how crazy her posts are, and I keep thinking it can’t get worse.

Only problem is having it while living in LA. Floyd Mayweather wakes up every morning in a puddle and says ‘Oh no, not AGAIN!’ and then calls up his construction company on his melting icicle-phone.