Tasty Whale

I got "cosplay enthusiast" last night, that was pretty great.

Maybe that dog is Corgi, but disguised!

Now they need to patch Civ 5.

Technically, fallout is after the burning... I'm fun at parties.

Some men, just want to watch the world burn...

That's a great question, I'll have to keep digging to find out.

I appreciate the fact that they're pretty good at punishing hackers as far as large companies go, but I really wish they would let us have the stronger team colors mod back.

Would these hacks have been used in actual pro gaming tournaments? Anyway to tell for sure?

*sings*I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, wanna pull out your....

This is so stupid. Half the appeal of the older games - nay, most of it for a lot of its target market - was the fact it shipped with quality, replica mics. That made singing into them feel a bit special. Singing into your phone is the opposite of special.

We covered it when it launched, actually. We don't typically feel obligated to help out any Kickstarter project — it's our job to cover the ones we think are cool, not to make sure they're backed — but this is a particularly interesting story that we thought was worth following up on.

I will hold my judgement until we know more about this. I know many won't do it and will just be blaming Zenimax.

It's not that he isn't killing the enemy because he can't be arsed. It's that he can't (that he knows). NPC's are only hostile, and can take damage, from the host and his phantoms/shades(coop partners).

Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. :)

"I got a PS4 and Infamous!"

My brother has an Xbox one.

As I sit here reading Kotaku, I'm streaming inline videos from some of the articles from my Surface 2 right to the One. I was watching my local news right before I started doing this. At one point, my phone rang, I said "Xbox pause" and it did. When I was done on the phone, I said "Xbox play" and it picked up right

I say "Xbox Record That" whenever something awesome happens in Peggle 2 or Titanfall. I also never watch the clips. Ever. No idea why I still do it. Because I can, I guess.