Tasty Whale

That was an excellent article!

Stock is depleted on Amazon right now for KMB. Publicity!

This just put a stop to anime trope of forcing character A into sharing their umbrella with their crush because there are no extra umbrellas.

This isn't helping Japan's slow population growth at all!

First girlfriend in highschool. We both grew up with an N64 as our primary console. I went over/was invited over to help her get past Jabu Jabu’s Belly level in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
I hadn’t played it in several years, so my memory was fuzzy on one of the puzzles (carrying Ruto).
She chose that moment

What, no Amazon link??

This will become my facebook icon given time.

Samus Aran.

This is the saltiest Xbox One post I’ve ever read.

Had to deal with the first time set up bullshit for my nephews prior to Xmas morning because I knew how bad the experience was from my own XOne. They’ll never know what bullshit that was, never appreciate my efforts.

*scrolls further* wait, this wins.

Done and out wins.

Mr Satan actually makes me so angry because of how much he is a joke but thinks he is hot shit. It is an unfair amount of hate I have towards him. Also, I enjoy his name and bad ass hair so I’m torn.

This should just be like a "what if" or dream or Buu giving him temp power as a joke. HE NEEDS TO KNOW HIS PLACE.

I’ll agree with the Angewomon sentiment, but I will argue against the heresy of saying Digimon has better design than Pokemon. I guess they aren’t just pallet swaps like Monster Rancher though...

Best of luck in whatever is next for you!

Ah! This is one I wanted to play, but didn’t back because of Kickstarter-itus (where Kickstarters either fail or are delayed too long). I’d hoped to pick it up once it was published and reviewed.


Tested a Rare game, and worked with many people who worked on various N64-Xbox Rare games: I can confirm they like dick and dark humor.

Probably #1 anime for me this season. Not something I’d normally watch! I dub it "Man-Shoujo".

Best marketing ever?

Update: Wakako-zake and God Eater are both on Crunchy Roll now.

Wakako is like cultural expansion, man!


PVP now? So they’ll give me extra copies so that I can play against friends? (this would lessen the sting of these changes, but unlikely to happen)
(and yes I backed it, the FF:T lead on made me salivate)