Tasty Whale

Can't remember the game, some multiplayer (but not MMO) RPG on PC. We were LANing it, found an easy boss we could quickly spawn, kill, collect. Did this about 10 times and got leveled quicker than expected.
The programmer of the group figured we could keep doing this and waste our time, or just change our stats. He

Kerning- adjust the spacing between (letters or characters) in a piece of text to be printed.

Ha! Braille for:

Nope, this one was just shit. I'm guessing they had time constraints. Hopefully the next one is better!

I think something is wrong with his neck there...

Closer than the Lindsay Lohan in GTAV for sure!

wrong post to reply, deleted

Oh shit, the "I'm Batman" at the end with the shit eating grin made me laugh hard.

Internet points to whoever explains Ant-Man to me. His powers are he gets small, and but then has the strength of a full grown man?

I think Caligula did this, either part of a show to piss off his detractors or because he was crazy as a magpie.

I really like the idea of reusing them for this type of project, but as other commenters pointed out there isn't much traffic there anyways, and would only save a few minutes per trip.

Also not worried about

Did it... did it just poop?

The long-o is also supposed to supplement the “r” sound since the full syllable of “ru/lu” would make it “korun”, or something?

Man, if Yokai Watch went on to use location specific monsters/myths that would be cool. Sasquatch, Chupacabra, Jersey Devil etc. I don’t think the US really has enough of them (half of them are just USA versions of Nessie etc) to meet the monster count needed for this, but it would be cool!


Down Left B, I think on the 2nd or 3rd bobble. Sometimes immediate.

He died.

Those picura (spelling? photobooths) often have auto photoshop. Enlarge eyes, rosey cheeks, I wouldn’t be surprised if “curl smile” wasn’t an option.
Also, different cute face could have been intended.

look up “Fujoshi”, but with you account name you might already know the term.

Pre-render left, Real-time right.
I’m not sure this is a before/after but I don’t know the original context.