I spent the last half hour fumbling at GIMP trying to do this. You did it better since I wasn't gonna have the words. Fucking bravo!
I spent the last half hour fumbling at GIMP trying to do this. You did it better since I wasn't gonna have the words. Fucking bravo!
Katamari Damacy level 1 (not the angel one, the room one).
(I've thought about it a lot, just want to see if others came to the same conclusions)
While I agree to a point, I also find sex to be nothing but pointless grinding. Still do it.
Too bad they are forcing the players to buy this and raising the total cost to $170 for content they might not use!
What, you say that this is just optional DLC and they don't force you to buy it?? BUT HOW CAN I HAVE OUTRAGE AT THE OPTION TO BUY ADDITIONAL THINGS THAT WERE DEVELOPED DURING AN ARTISTS DOWN TIME???
This is unfair to the non-gamers who buy these as gifts. They won't know any better.
Any word on the 3DS adapter? Is that still a thing? (My nephew has a 3DS and no Wii U, but wants the Sonic one for Smash etc...)
TIL Batman was a student of assassins (which, Ra's al Ghul... yes I know).
Dammit Sony.
Ouch, between the time it took me to read the article and me clicking "star" on your comment, it jumped from 5 to 10. Sooooo... yeah, common complaint on Destiny.
May have missed it, where is the list?
Thank you for the clarification! I've played some X/Y but not enough yet. I remember stressing about the money in R/B/Y though, and hoarding everything.
Legitimate question: Is there unlimited Pokebucks when playing the game? I remember thinking in 1st gen that there was a cap on money (since you couldn't rebattle people, couldn't find more than X items). You could rebattle the Elite Four, but I don't know if they gave you money.
In the new generaions can you earn…
Have I missed the cheap PSPlus accounts? I think they dropped to like $35 last year on Xmas and black Friday. I've enjoyed all the free games I've gotten through it, but would like to save $15 bucks :)
Didn't want to look it up, knew if I drew attention to the word someone would correct it if I was wrong :) Thanks!
I don't know why I'm knit-picking, but he punched it back in 2012. He was put on trial for this earlier this month. KNIT PICKING.
I was going to add the Brazzers logo but then I realized these are the wrong age, even if they have the lolfish faces...
This has less spoilers than the trailer had. Spoilers: You are Ellen Ripley's daughter and you work for WY. You gonna get chased by an alien too.
Funfact! The answer list says "Samurai Showdown" when this was actually misspelled as "Shodown"
Now the real question: Panties, or dark shroud???
Copy paste from the source that used a source. You realllllly could have made this more informative by comparing to other search engines.