Tasty Whale

I spent the last half hour fumbling at GIMP trying to do this. You did it better since I wasn't gonna have the words. Fucking bravo!

Katamari Damacy level 1 (not the angel one, the room one).
(I've thought about it a lot, just want to see if others came to the same conclusions)

While I agree to a point, I also find sex to be nothing but pointless grinding. Still do it.

Too bad they are forcing the players to buy this and raising the total cost to $170 for content they might not use!
What, you say that this is just optional DLC and they don't force you to buy it?? BUT HOW CAN I HAVE OUTRAGE AT THE OPTION TO BUY ADDITIONAL THINGS THAT WERE DEVELOPED DURING AN ARTISTS DOWN TIME???

This is unfair to the non-gamers who buy these as gifts. They won't know any better.

Any word on the 3DS adapter? Is that still a thing? (My nephew has a 3DS and no Wii U, but wants the Sonic one for Smash etc...)

TIL Batman was a student of assassins (which, Ra's al Ghul... yes I know).

Dammit Sony.

Ouch, between the time it took me to read the article and me clicking "star" on your comment, it jumped from 5 to 10. Sooooo... yeah, common complaint on Destiny.

May have missed it, where is the list?

Thank you for the clarification! I've played some X/Y but not enough yet. I remember stressing about the money in R/B/Y though, and hoarding everything.

Legitimate question: Is there unlimited Pokebucks when playing the game? I remember thinking in 1st gen that there was a cap on money (since you couldn't rebattle people, couldn't find more than X items). You could rebattle the Elite Four, but I don't know if they gave you money.

In the new generaions can you earn

Have I missed the cheap PSPlus accounts? I think they dropped to like $35 last year on Xmas and black Friday. I've enjoyed all the free games I've gotten through it, but would like to save $15 bucks :)

Didn't want to look it up, knew if I drew attention to the word someone would correct it if I was wrong :) Thanks!

I don't know why I'm knit-picking, but he punched it back in 2012. He was put on trial for this earlier this month. KNIT PICKING.

I was going to add the Brazzers logo but then I realized these are the wrong age, even if they have the lolfish faces...

This has less spoilers than the trailer had. Spoilers: You are Ellen Ripley's daughter and you work for WY. You gonna get chased by an alien too.

Now the real question: Panties, or dark shroud???

Copy paste from the source that used a source. You realllllly could have made this more informative by comparing to other search engines.
