Tasty Whale

He is the commerce team guy, so, yeah, I think it is his job to do that.
At least Evan didn't link it like a schill ;P

I preordered this at the start of the month.... is this news?

Is the news just the graphic asset?

(just checked, my preorder was made on September 3, 2014)

Fucker just jumped off an icicle he shot down, and then off some goddamn cones he blew up!

I just hit that level 23 stage. Haven't found a legendary yet (or at least one that didn't turn into a fucking Strange Coin fuck still only have like 8 of those!!).

Armor and Starship Troopers are two I always suggest, but I'm not sure how much they meet his requirements. Need to re-read Armor!

(The) Forever War. Time dilation etc because the time it takes to get to the battlefield. Read it now. Seriously hits on like all the things you want.

Ender's Game has a bit of this.

Then read the unrelated "Old Man's War" which plays with extended lives.

I'm pretty sure I watched this exact episode long long ago... but this show it being uploaded just a few days ago. Damn Internet Time Wizards!

Transparent controllers were popular on the N64. My bundle had a transparent purple controller :)

"The D" meme.

"I just haven't seen many works in progress that are this rough around the edges so close to release" Then I'm curious how many you have seen that weren't already gold-cert. Things change drastically and the rate of fixes skyrockets during the crunch months before gold-cert. I game tested for years, the final polish

I don't have experience with transferring your Nintendo info over with a shattered screen. But don't lose hope! You may be able to send it to Nintendo for repair (not replacement), or find a local shop (or online shop) to send it for a screen replacement. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/order…

This is just efficient. Don't need a clothes washer/drier if you use the shower while dressed!

Some players will likely skip Destiny's player-vs.-player Crucible multiplayer entirely, preferring to focus on the co-op grind of the campaign stuff. (Of course, other players will probably focus only on the Crucible.) If you're one of the former type, push yourself to give the Crucible a shot. You can earn some

Every time Peter Dinklage reads a line in a way that indicates he has no idea what the words he's speaking are supposed to mean, take a drink. Warning: Only play this game if you've had something to eat first.

You can't pause in Destiny. Ever. Don't forget that! Otherwise you'll proooobably get killed in an embarrassing way next time you get up for a pee.

EDF 2025 is great. Get it.
Anyways, that achievement for 200Meters is for when you go 200m in the air, which is easy with the right class (the flying Valkyrie like ones) and hopping on buildings. I've been thrown, but never gotten stuck in the ground from a throw like that before. Love that game.

Ahhh, you play with the "Gay Agenda" in mind as well! I try to breed gay babies. "Gaybies" as I call them.

I am not sure this is how I should play the game, but it is entertaining.

How I measure the cultural impact:
1. Go to Image Search.
2. Turn off "safesearch" (aka allow adult images).
3. Scroll til something Rule 34 pops up.

For "Jibanyan" (the "Pikachu" mascot, as I understand it): 12thish image has some weird lolicon thing going on. 100ish images in is something definitely rule 34.

"Monster Happy Fun Time for your Po(c)ke(t)!" is kinda how I'd see US McDee's trying to bring this over.

Mang I'd have looked at all the unlockables and trophies and just zoned out.