Tasty Whale

You have the best pictures then! Just start doing your own "Eastside Shops" or something :)

Purchased one because Infamous and other exclusives, to make my PS+ even more worthwhile, and because if I want to be a non-biased reviewer/console fanboy I need it.

I don't know when I turned it on last, to be honest.

So let's say I consume cannabis in my USA state of Washington/Colorado where it is legal (not federally, but whatever). Then I go to China (without drugs!), and am randombly tested. What kinds of test do they use? Piss, blood, hair? (this determines how far back they go for usage)

Booty booty booty booty booty booty.

What... What happened to the horse?

The game you mentioned: Listed game systems I was familiar with, and had a broad range of games I'd play often. This was to show that I wasn't a pigeon-hole "can only test X game type" guy.

Illustration by Jim Cooke

Happy Happy Joy Joy. Pointer Fish!

My yearning for Jigglypuff's inclusion is reignited! I thought they'd finished announcements! Yay!

Excellent news! Will there be a way to tag spam such as "WORK AT HOME $72 an HOUR my first week111!" we see often? Trying to mail each of those to someone is a pain.

Also, I'll be the among the first to ask for the star system back. DAMMIT STARS SO GOOD.

So is this the standard 2.5D plane fighter (side fighter, brawler?) that is common in DBZ games, with an emphasis of single player story fights, and likely online vs multiplayer? What systems neh?

"exclusive" is the new "literal" is meaning the exact opposite.

I was gonna say, images are currently prohibited in comments. That may kill our humor!

Everything I've ever made in Minecraft is absolute shit, I know realize.

1:34, paused and looked up the runes.

Clickthroughs still work.

These are great!

I assumed you were Bobsplosion, what with your .gifs of boobs. CONTINUE THE GOOD WORK SIR/MA'AM.

Earth Defense Force 2025. HELLO achievements I'll never get...