I don't know, with that hat I'd say that using the comp is the least of his problems.
I don't know, with that hat I'd say that using the comp is the least of his problems.
Where's the TWILIGHT series?
@TommyPower: QFT
Is this why JAP and USA consoles have the O and X buttons do the opposite?
Biker didn't have both hands on the handlebars, would have helped.
Thank you for the tip, I will be at the ATM all day today.
I'm impressed that out of 10,267 people, none were assholes and refused to fall.
@manapots: Yes, and raptr imports your stats and hours from xfire.
@Number_Six: bravo.
@phamm: For her mouth?
Connects to your Playstation 3: Yes / No / No
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: It would make sense if it was.
@tillman: I think you meant to say "Consumers lost"
They needed to advertise it in another way rather than just showing up on the XBOX 360 menu. I missed out on both seasons because I didn't happen to be turning on my XBOX every day.
I'm surprised there aren't more bullet holes in this one.
@kylecpcs: methinks if you are paying $250 to change the color of your phone, your wallet isn't worried if you break it.
@Shamoononon: Shhh, you're proving that the ad worked!
@FrankieViturello: Same. Shame.
Perhaps I will now finish DAO, as the sequel seems more my style.