
I hope they are able to refine the oil they salvage and sell it back to me at a premium.

I will never have a webcam connected to my porn box. Never.

Officially embarrassed to be a commenting Canadian.

WTF is Farmville?

@Bramsey89: I read your comments, :DDDD

@kylecpcs: mark me down for that $100 (internet bucks)

Remember how Nintendo sent out free Wiimote cases to everyone who requested them so they would stop smashing TV's?

@Rutty14: is your cat fat, skinny or an in-between?

@Hanchen Lu: The game sure does look awesome, and it still seems way to hard!

godaddy says no.

Player character hitbox seems forgiving.

Why does 90% of the surface need to be glass? My BlackBerry Tour has this little lip around the screen that stops the screen from touching anything when laying face down on a flat surface. My last BB didn't have that, and my screen took a beating.

Can we block system updates? I'm sure some people will want that option after the whole 3rd party OS deal.

@Eric Swenson: I install HDTV for a living and it's much less a hassle for me to set the set top box to "stretch" for SD channels. Less callbacks and happier customers. Maybe I'm part of the problem, but at first I would try to explain... that didn't last long.

Don't worry honey. We can always throw that pillow out.

For my family members, if they get the same channel in SD and HD, I just remove the SD channel from their guide... then they will never make the unfortunate mistake.

@Dayv: The flaw to this scenario is that people will be furious when the properly formatted 4:3 programming doesn't fill their entire brand new screen.

@metronome49: Or... maybe try the pre-release version of flash that supports hardware acceleration.