one failure after another... luckily i only use my ps3 console to play the few (awesome) ps3 exclusives. fml if i relied on it for anything other than gaming.
one failure after another... luckily i only use my ps3 console to play the few (awesome) ps3 exclusives. fml if i relied on it for anything other than gaming.
@chrisscottxd: should have got it on your upper thigh.
@Shinta: Pretend promoted this comment
is there a way to automatically not have it on /gallery/? i always just remove that part from the url.
I don't think DIRTYCUMSLUT adheres to the TOS for gamertag
@bakura: their
@TestZero: you did what in the cup?
I sure don't play my Wii anymore, but my 3 year old plays it non stop.
Nobody is asking the most important question of all: Does it add extra achievements?
@tigerstripe88: Hey stupid, I would also like to know this. Thanks for asking!
if there's a BRB button that saves you the time from typing BRB, why not go a step further and have that one button press actually type out "be right back"?
@Cinderblaze: there it is. A+
@MonkeyBiz: Crime in progress = 911. Anything else, look up and dial the local non emergency police number.
@Deaf Mute: Everyone knows those old TVs last forever, unlike these new cheap flat TVs.
May as well argue about not being able to see color on an old black and white television. Time to upgrade people.
"Right click has revolutionized the way I work!" (actual quote from mac enthusiast)
Thought I would shed some light on this.
@shufflemoomin: The way media room works, it will act as if it IS a set top box. It will essentially replace the need to have a cable box at a tv you already have an Xbox360 at.
@jimmyrizzo: hah, and pale skin. vampires? do they sparkle? oh lord.