What, you do not like ze mint? It is only wafer thin?
What, you do not like ze mint? It is only wafer thin?
Everything evolves or ceases to exist; And I respect Hyundai for their massive evolution.
He knew it, in the Biblical sense.
We're up all night to get Orlove'd
I love this thing. It's perfect for Paris and other cities with limited parking. I even saw these used as delivery vehicles.
Not the best looking thing but so functional and utilitarian. My neighbor diagonally across from me has a white over grey Aztek and I have a first gen white over greay Vibe GT as a daily. Parking by each other it looks like the two Vibes and one was stung by a giant f'n bee or something. They seem to like theirs…
Obviously it was his speeding that caused the light to appear green. Stupid Doppler shift.
Otter meat better not be fucking kosher. I saw a baby one have a sneezing fit the other day, and I swear nothing else is even slightly cute anymore.
Everytime you drive over 80 miles in one go think of me. ;)
Someone just won their game of douchebag bingo. What an asshole.
Or even just restrict them to HOV lanes.
The Honda Fit – in Norway and Sweden, at least. The car was launched as the Fitta over there in 2005. Unfortunately for Honda, Fitta is a Scandinavian slang term that roughly translates as 'cunt'.
I think there would be a rush. I mean everyone else around there is Russian.
I just can't flap to this; after years on Jalopnik, my idea of a dragon is simply far too different.