
New transportation-related fine measurement system.

4/32nds in heavy rain isn't bad if your siping is good enough.

The Mystique came with hubcaps on the lower trim, I know from experience.

That's a Tracer (AKA Escort) not a Mystique (aka Contour). The Mystique's little quarter glass area was also solid and plastic. My family had one for a good 8-9 years.

In a partnership with General Tire.

1st Gear: It's Jeep-Time Y'all

Borrowed from another comment:

Oof! Right in the bottom line!

no, they did not comply with the ADA as they are required BY LAW.

No, as they were acting in accordance with ADA Compliance and if the person tried to sue due to that then unfortunately they'd have to work with the government rather than just the dealer. The ADA would be the protection for the dealer since they were acting under legal compliance.

Ford called, they said to give back their premium level designation.

I want to say that's technically a POV and not an ambulance, but still rad nonetheless.

I see the extended broadcast boom in the background there, those always strike me as an incredibly cool design for a vehicle.

Guess how much non-warranty-covered damage is about to happen in the last photo?

It does now, and it's only available for purchase as a PPV by police forces.

Grad school can have advantages, like placement in fields more easily.

It actually was! that's pretty funny.

Our countries are weird in what they want the shared cars to look like.

that would be a fantastic process improvement for those sites to draw in more customers.

Good to know your anecdotal evidence is equivalent to the rest of the country/world.