
Black Ice or nothing at all?

That would explain why I always thought he was Dutch for some reason.

I sat in one of those and a RAM Promaster at the Albany Auto Show this past weekend. I love how the transit feels in the seat. The promaster was... weird.

To each their own I suppose. I like the UK and US versions. UK I've liked longer, but damn if they don't do well with the US one even if not at all times (same writers and all, so y'know).

Spunkin Spice Lattes.

nice. I forgot triples were even a thing (except for UPS and Overnite trucks that use pup trailers).

gotta get your class B and A and then hazmat! (assuming it's not automatically covered in Michigan, it's a separate endorsement in NY)

You say that, but remember it's generally government contracted and designed software, meaning it can't ACTUALLY work right.

you're not incorrect.

I thought it looked familiar, I have a green Teavana one myself

I thought it looked familiar, I have a green Teavana one myself

Damn, GPSes don't really get how slow those are at night I don't think.

Don't forget florida!

I see it has a pre-emptive CEL cover already!

Damn, did Mullaly shit in your omelette one morning? what makes buying one of their cars "stupid"?

Took you up the Taconic State Parkway I'm guessing?

He was inspired by the plane you could find in Grand Theft Auto 3 that had stub wings.

He was inspired by the plane you could find in Grand Theft Auto 3 that had stub wings.

I would ask the dealer if they'd be willing to take it off, then put the clips/screws in a bag and throw it all in the bed for me before I left the lot.

they don't check it at the register. they check it when doing count and pickups against any serials they have been informed by police/banks to check for.

As long as WEQX up here stays, I'm golden.