
It's rated to 8500 max when properly equipped, I don't think if it's that equipped that 4-5K will hurt it regularly.

POW! Right in the kissah!

Translation: if you disagree with me you're automatically wrong/an apologist, therefore I'm still right.

I wouldn't be surprised if it did actually have the wiring. Same car, likely same wiring harness.

perhaps replaced due to rust?

Sounds like upstate NY. the states really are more similar than it seems, save the amount of tornadoes.

It's the level of force it needs to stop that is why they were contracted to develop it. There are plenty of barriers and bollards for 30-40 MPH, but 50+ is tougher. This remedies that.

Instructions unclear, dick stuck in squash racquet.

I preferred them when they were Jefferson Islam.

Good thing you read the entire comment. Oh wait...

ADA rights trump private lot rights.

does it hurt having a stick that far up your ass all the time?

If the spots are STATE-legal handicapps spots, the owners of the parking lot can't say or do shit as long as the car is legally placarded and registered as a handicapped vehicle.

sad but true, but I stop caring when I'm having fun and only remember when it comes time to buy food for work...

That would be perfect for a YJ or TJ.

oh you can pull out the trunk floor? nice! that makes things loads easier.

plywood, drywall, particleboard, MDF, stuff for redoing rooms in homes or building things.

I'm amazed that you managed to fit luggage behind the seat in a fiesta. I haven't looked in one in a while though (I have a Focus hatch), so I might not be remembering their cargo space right.

Fanny packs aren't even as useful as a messenger bag or backpack.

if you combine awd with winter tires however it becomes a fantastic vehicle in winter for all situations.