I still see him as Ronan from Stargate: Atlantis. LOL
I still see him as Ronan from Stargate: Atlantis. LOL
Hey, thanks for that! The OP's comment pissed me off because I'm not white but my body structure and face is a lot more similar to one of the white girl's than the seemingly Hispanic-looking one. SMH. I'm all for discussions about race and portrayal of race in the media and whatnot but what the fuck was that.
I created a burner just to call you out on the fact that there's at least one non-skinny, non-white woman included. And since we're only looking at five or so, that's almost a 20% representation.
Plus, your comment seems to imply that imply that "regular women" and skinny white women are exclusive populations.
you GUYS. I am a regular jezzie and Kate Hansen is my cousin. I just am so excited to see her on here. she's seriously this amazing, funny, and dance-y in real life. she's doing great for a first time Olympian and we are so proud of her. couldn't have someone better to rep the family - she's so great. USofkAte!
Is this from Hush? Amazing.
Right. Meanwhile, her mother's an avid supporter of Roman Polanski, who, unlike Allen, was actually charged with—-and pleaded guilty to—-having sex with a kid. But that's fine because they like Polanski, and they don't like Woody Allen.
I'll help.
girlfriend dances at the very top level, 8 hour a day for 9 month a year. she worked hard for that physique. we can honor her for her achievements without putting ourselves down.
I will never not want those two to get married. GET MARRIED, MINDY + BJ.
So she can finally be with Gordo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I the only one who was totally captivated by the amazing funeral precession scene?
Far as comic-based movies go, like Marvel's Avengers and Loki, I'd like to see some of the DC's Gotham Sirens in their own movies. Or all of them. Together. Just doing the stuff that Catwoman and Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn do. One's kind of an anti-hero, one's completely and irrevocably evil, and one's so…
Lily Kane chic.
I know that a lot of people are saying these photos are terrible but honestly it's nice to see that there's not a lot/any photoshop going on. It's nice to see beautiful people as they are (albeit washed out and blurry in many cases) and I really enjoy looking at beautiful clothes falling as they should on a human body…
Maybe it's a matter of taste - certainly because I'm into lomography -, because I really enjoyed the photos. In times of Tumblr/Pinterest, it's refreshing to see these "wrong" pictures with professional overexposed flash(focus on professional). Perfect photos can be really dull sometimes.
BlindGossip.com says that Justin and Jessica are pregnant and that's why they haven't been photographed together and why she skipped the party.
A male bisexual with two dicks? That like, at least, qualifies as a new mythical creature. We need to give him a name - like a centaur or something. Dicktaur?
got a poster of her in my room. if you're gonna get down bedroom style with me you gotta be down with K$.
Sorry I came across as rude; it wasn't my intention.
This was a great comeback. Brush that dirt off.