Every single one of those ladies is doin' it wrong. I divert your attention to the only debutante the 'verse needs:
Every single one of those ladies is doin' it wrong. I divert your attention to the only debutante the 'verse needs:
Tom Hiddleston is either an incredibly sweet and funny person or he is a total sociopath who has no feelings and is bent on using his acting skills to make everyone fall in love with him so that he can take over the world. There simply are no other options.
"He comes out of the closet sometimes" NO NO 1000 TIMES NO!!!! People should only come out of METAPHORICAL closets, not literal ones!!!
Awful. Self-absorbed. Not even real. Figment of my imagination. Can't be taken seriously. Made of golden retriever hair, Elmer's glue and the angry energy of most.
At last. My plan for world domination comes to fruition.
My sister's name is "Isabelle," but for some unknown reason she chooses to go by "Bella." I'm really hoping she's not a secret Twihard.
Sometimes it helps with character development or is comic relief. Point 1: Jon Snow's most redeeming quality is that he is great at oral sex. Point 2: When the prostitutes gave back the money because Podrick was so good even though it was his first time—and more importantly how Tyrion and Bronn reacted to it.
Random thoughts while watching:
I want to peel this article off my screen and eat it, that's how much I love it.
While Britney's new video features the 31-year-old pop star scantily clad, writhing and having fun with chains and…
That face...I don't often "LOL" for real, but I LOL'd over that face. I LOL'd hard. Poor Jethro. I named him Jethro.
Every time I write about a Vampire Diaries star I feel like Buffalo Bill trying to imitate Catherine Martin's screams while she is down in that well in Silence of the Lambs.
Who? Does she have black panties?
Off the top of my head, I know it appears in The Freshman (the first episode of season 4). The mean vampire clique after her in the episode breaks it before she takes them down.
*Class Protector-induced tears mixed with happy article-induced tears*
Ok, yes this is creepy and rape culture is everywhere and Robin Thicke represents male privilege, but, this is getting ridiculous. The amount of articles Jez writes on Robin Thicke and how he's a creepy, rapey douchebag is ridiculous. He didn't invent rape culture, and while he seems douchey and profts off it, and the…
As a youngster I was shocked to learn that one of my teachers who was a NUN had previously been a trucker, apparently it was a family thing. I don't really have a point here other than I know a nun who used to drive trucks for a living, which is pretty awesome.
I just kind of want to rest my face against her stately decolletage for a while.
Yikes. Maybe doing nothing is her best course of action. As harsh as it is to say, don't worry about the Craigslist ad - you don't know what his intent is, and everyone has to assume their own risk when answering those ads. You can't assume that he's using them to troll for rape victims.
"I don't like to exploit anybody. That's not my bag. Everyone has fun on my shoots," says fashion photographer Terry…