
So I should totally wear my titanium anal beads next time I go visit Aunt Cathy?


I love you.

You are (almost certainly) right that "dragons" never existed. Dinosaurs that could "belch" a kid of phosphorus gas did exist, and flying dinosaurs did exist. Of course they didn't exist along side humans. As may people said, ancient cultures found bones and saw animals like alligators and a myth was born. My question

Exactly what I was thinking! I was saying I'd be putting that spoon in my vagina. I'm not kidding or trying to be funny. I would straight up put some iron in any available orifice.

Actually she is in Bridesmaids as well... she the weird roommate with the tequila worm tattoo...

ooooooh that is not cool. Thanks!

I'll be honest, I didn't read the books and if the movie starred anyone other than Lily Collins I wouldn't bother seeing it... But I have a crush on her eyebrows so sign me up!

Really? Detail please!!

Gangam Style!!! Lol J/K

I LOVE that this is your standard response. What makes you so "sure."

I'm not, I never said I was. However, you do not represent the entire Jewish community. You asked me what my issue was, I told you. If you have nothing intelligent to add... we are done. Enjoy the high blood pressure and premature aging that comes with being a sanctimonious know it all.

My problem is your attitude. You are acting like this one (awesome) little kid and his family are some how bringing down the whole of western civilization. As if they are personally responsible for the plight of less fortunate members of the Jewish community. I think it is simple minded and completely ignores the

I have no desire to insult the Jewish community. Nor have I. I offended you apparently, and rather than address that head on it is easier for you to accuse me of something ugly. Furthermore, do you really believe that this isn't a cultural problem that extends to people who are not Jewish? Do you really think

That is great, it really is. Good for you for doing what you can for others on a limited income. Yelling is all fine and good, we should remain vocal about things that are important so people don't forget. Good for you for not letting people in your community fall through the cracks. And no. I am not Jewish. I am an

and I still maintain if I had a large sum of money in savings I would blow it all to make my son feel special, even for just one day.

I grew up in poverty, and continue to straddle the poverty line, my mother spent my adolescence in prison. I understand what it feels like to be excluded from your peer group, or religious community for being poor. I also find dramatic displays of wealth upsetting. My point is we don't know anything about Sam or his

I'm just going to pretend that made sense. You see sexism, I see happyfuntimes. I saw nothing sexually explicit. We are not going to agree about this. Have a nice day.

Or it could just be a fabulous (quite likely gay) kid who saw the movie Burlesque, loved the music, dance, glitz and glamour and wanted to be part of that world. Maybe his super awesome, very accepting parents wanted him to embrace his inner NPH and live the dream!!! Many men I know, straight or gay, are able to

Again, these are PROFESSIONAL DANCERS, maybe even professional burlesque performers. I am a burlesque dancer and I love what I do. I'm sure dancing at a little kids party isn't exactly "living the dream" for these women, but they are no doubt doing what they love. I fail to see the sexism. Is it just because it is a