
Achievement: Seriously? That worked?

I think he's chastising all the companies that just shove out HD remakes that no one wanted in the first place instead of this getting done. I don't think we heard anyone screaming for Tomb Raider or Splinter Cell, did you?

Go watch the Konami's trailer. Hell, lemme bring it up for you [www.youtube.com]. It says EARLY 2013 at the end. Before you think everyone else is stupid, consider that it might just be you.

Only get Resistance if you're a HARDCORE fan. The campaign was pretty meh. Functional, yet there wasn't anything that really stuck out about it. It was more like Resistance 2 than Resistance 3, and that's not a good thing. Multiplayer also was doable, but it also felt empty and slow. I've only played a bit of GR so

They should have named it "How well do you know your 8/16-bit games?" The 90's weren't just these consoles you know. N64 and Playstation were in their heyday (forgive me, I don't know if I've ever spelled that word) in this time, and the Dreamcast even came out at the end of the decade.

Hah, that main guy looks like Cole Phelps from L.A. Noire. (just googled it) Aaron Staton.

I find how in this discussion you said that the verdict was "Pending," for several topics, while for Nintendo you said "Promise not yet kept" and Sony you went so far as to say "Promise NOT kept...yet."


Wow, I would absolutely love one of those. I'm always in need of new pillows or cushions to lay on and these are just fantastic.

This is how I feel.

Aww...I submitted this to the tip line last Thursday. :(

#Correction Kingdom Hearts II came out in 2006, 2005 in Japan. It's been handheld-only since then.

Very cool. I think I grew up after arcades really hit their stride so I don't get the same kind of nostalgia out of them like most other people seem to, but I still think they're a large part of our culture and it's nice to see them make a fight for survival. It's neat to see this place re-emerge.

Well shit. Now the song is stuck in my head too.

While yeah, that may be true, I watch all this stuff being done in Minecraft and just wonder "Why?" Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but all people are doing is just creating or recreating existing things. I haven't seen anything NEW come out of this game. No new types of games that are unique to the

THAT'S why he sounded so familiar. The whole time I was looking at him and couldn't understand what was going on. PERFECT.

Metal Gear?!

Go ahead and do whatever you want. I didn't make it, I just went and quickly got it to post here. No offense taken!