
It's kind of mind-blowing for me to realize how everything is coming full circle. I've never really been a real RTS fan, but I am at least familiar with the nomenclature of it all. I've known that Dune II was the first "modern" RTS to really establish the genre.

But...wh....how.... How does the Disc version of the game require more hard drive space than the digital version? If anything, it should be the opposite, unless I'm completely mistaken on how storage is done. It just seems pretty counter-intuitive that way. Can someone explain plz?

This is true. I guess it was mostly an interpretive issue. I saw last meaning "the final in a list." I do agree that previous would be better.

If I could offer my opinion on a possible #correction, "Used copies of RE:M3D will be forever haunted by the FIRST owner." Just a personal preference kind of thing at this point.

My personal favorite in the entire series is Mario Kart DS, and I'm pretty sure that most competitive play has determined Double Dash!! to be the "best." This is looking to top my favorite again.

Could be part of the Zelda 25th Concert Series that was announced.

I really don't see how they couldn't implement this on the PC or even the PS3. I mean, they both have microphones (PS Eye). If you're being THAT stringy, use a headset or something.

This needs to be done to the Mega Man X games....YESTERDAY

I just got Bit.Trip Beat in the Potato Sack on Steam and absolutely fell in LOVE with it. I went to check out some of the others but...only Runner was on Steam.

So I got this much in the mail today. It's pretty much explained in the context:

I don't have any StreetPass friends yet.

His prison sentence should have been for, at MINIMUM, six year - the length of the rings he was running. I hope this guy burns in that special level of hell. I know I'll never forgive him.

Hey look! I did it on Kotaku and it fixed the new website's layout!

@Fahey, What do you use for capturing video? Software as well as hardware? Looking into it similar stuff and wanted to know what you've got.

If I'm not mistaken, he actually has two earrings. I can't find exactly where, but it's in some cutscene in OoT.

Now playing

Submarine game? There is but one submarine game.

Honestly I'm surprised that they don't have Mega Man in his exploding star off in the background or something.

Am I the only one who thinks that Felicia Day is not attractive in the slightest?

Anyone else think that those two kinda look like Anthony and Ashly from HAWP? I was VERY confused at first...

I actually watched that whole little story-arc thing. It was like $1.25 on the store one day and came with some skins for U2 multiplayer. I liked it, pretty entertaining.