
Keep posting here because I have more questions. Sorry if I'm bothering you _<

Are there any Kinect-centric XBLA games out right now or scheduled for the future?

I love these Science posts. I'm really glad that you're bringing them back. Even if they're only once a day, I'm glad that we have them outside of the summer.

@Nawara_Ven: That video was awesome, and excellent user name.

@darkboy1200: The three things that I'm interested in the MOST are Shadow Complex, Limbo, and Super Meat Boy.

@Zinger314: Note to Youtuber: Saying "Fuck" every other word is not funny.

As I mentioned here yesterday on TAY, I just won one of the Burger King Kinect prizes that comes with a 4GB 360S, Kinect, Sports, and Adventures. I'm already resigned to getting one of the $130 hard drives but I have another question.

@urfe: Yes. Yes

Wish I could have gone to the Day 7 location...that would have been awesome.

@D-K: Dukakis would approve.

@WhoKnew?: No, I've been doing the 6 free codes a day. I can't afford to eat that much fast food!

Umm...I just won an Xbox 360 and Kinect from Burger King. That promotion that Fahey put up here a couple days ago.

Did someone mention the ESRB? At all? How retailers are already enforcing the rule that kids can't buy these types of games? For the most part, it's already a self-regulating industry.